by Peggy Baker | Sep 20, 2022 | Policy, President's Notes
Harry J. Gould, III MD, PhD When I was reminded this time that the deadline for articles for the fall edition of the newsletter was approaching, I realized that my term as President of the Southern Pain Society is rapidly coming to its end. Events that mark...
by Peggy Baker | Jul 11, 2021 | Policy, President's Notes
Harry J. Gould, III, MD, PhD On June 26, 2021, Johnson & Johnson confirmed that in 2020, as part of a $230M settlement with the State of New York, they discontinued promotion and distribution of opioid products in the State of New York. The settlement was made in...
by Peggy Baker | Oct 12, 2020 | News, Policy
Benjamin Johnson, MD I would like to thank our president, Ann Quinlan-Colwell, PhD, APN, for the invitation to write an article regarding diversity in our field of pain medicine. As the first president of the Southern Pain Society possessing African-American...
by Peggy Baker | Jan 12, 2020 | Clinical, News, Policy
Lisa Edgerton, PharmD, BCPS, CPP, Olivia Herndon, MA, and Joseph Pino, MD, MHA Wilmington is a community in southeastern North Carolina known for its beautiful beaches, historic river-walk district, and the largest domestic television and movie production facility...
by Peggy Baker | Oct 21, 2019 | Clinical, Policy, Research
James N. Weisberg, PhD This article is adapted from a chapter in a soon to be published text: Weisberg, J.N., Paul, C. & Twyner, C. Personality and Personality Disorders in Chronic Pain. In Incayawar, M., Clark, M. & Maldonado-Bouchard, S. (Eds.). Overlapping...
by Peggy Baker | Oct 21, 2019 | News, Policy, Research
Jennifer L. DelVentura, Ph.D., ABPP Jennifer L. Steiner, Ph.D., ABPP In a post in a previous issue of this newsletter, titled “Gender disparities in Pain and Pain Care,” we explored the evidence that women are not only at higher risk for pain and pain conditions but...