Speakers Bureau
If you wish additional information or a CV for any of our speakers, please contact them directly or info@southernpainsociety.org.
Harry J. Gould, III, MD, PhD
Department of Neurology
1542 Tulane Ave, Rm. 763
New Orleans, LA 70112
Phone: 504-568-4090
Email: hgould@lsuhsc.edu
Presentation Topics:
- Non-opiate management of chronic pain
- The opioid epidemic and its effect on pain care
- Neuropathic pain
- Cancer: From pain may come a cure – Sodium channels/sodium pumps and the evolution of a cancer treatment
Dr. Gould received his MD from Louisiana State University and his PhD (biology) from Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. He has served as director of the LSU Pain Fellowship program and is on the Board of Directors of the American Pain Association and the Southern Pain Society. He maintains a clinical practice and a research program. His research interests include the comparative studies of the basic mechanisms underlying nociceptive and neuropathic pain and the role of sodium channel modulation in the development of chronic pain and the treatment of advanced-stage carcinomas. His clinical research is related to pain management, drug discovery and cancer therapy. He maintains membership in numerous organizations, including the American Pain Society, American Academy of Pain Medicine, American Association for Cancer Research, International Society for the Study of Pain and the National Alliance for Model State Drug Laws. He is the former director of the Comprehensive Pain Fellowship Program at LSU, is on the Boards of Directors of the American Pain Association and the Southern Pain Society. He is the current President Elect of the Southern Pain Society and is the co-founder and Chief Medical Officer of Oleander Medical Technologies. He serves on the editorial board of the Journal of the Neurological Sciences and Pain Medicine and serves as an editorial reviewer for the Journal of Comparative Neurology, Clinical Neuropharmacology, and Pharmacological Research, among others. Dr. Gould has published a book, Understanding Pain, which is part of the American Academy of Neurology series for patients and has written or coauthored numerous book chapters and articles in peer-reviewed journals. He has presented original data on chronic pain at meetings of the Society of Neuroscience, American Pain Society, and World Congress on Pain.
Sample of Prior Presentations:
3rd Global Insight Conference on Breast Cancer, Targeted Osmotic Lysis – A Method for Treating Late-stage Carcinoma (Keynote address), 7/16/18, Valencia, Spain.
Second World Congress on Cancer Treatment, Radiation, Surgical and Medical Oncology, Targeted Osmotic Lysis – A Method for Treating Late-stage Carcinoma, 10/2/17, San Diego, CA.
National Initiative on Pain Control, Addressing the Barriers to Effective Pain Management and Issues of Opioid Misuse and Abuse, 6/4/10; New Orleans, LA.
American Pain Society, Painful Diabetic Polyneuropathies: From Bench to Plausible Management – The Role of Insulin in Inflammatory-induced Hyperalgesia, 5/8/10; Baltimore, MD.
American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians, Neuroanatomy, Electrophysiology and Pathophysiology of Pain Pathways, 8/11/09; New Orleans, LA.
American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians, Pain Mechanisms, Pathophysiology, and Measurement, 8/11/09; New Orleans, LA.

Ann Quinlan-Colwell, PhD, RNBC, DAAPM
New Hanover Regional Medical Center
317 Gregory Rd
Wilmington, NC 28405
Phone (office): 910-399-6320
Phone (mobile): 910-632-4486
Email: aqcl@earthlink.net
Presentation Topics:
- Multimodal approach for pain management
- Non-pharmacologic interventions to control pain
- Managing pain in patients with co-morbid pain and substance use disorder
- Pain management in older adults
- Neuropathic pain management including post stroke pain
Ann Quinlan-Colwell, PhD, AHNC, RN-BC, is a clinical nurse specialist in pain management at New Hanover Regional Medical Center in Wilmington, North Carolina. During the last 20 years she has worked in pain management at Duke University Medical Center and with the hospices at UNC Chapel Hill and Duke. She earned a PhD in nursing at the University of North Carolina Greensboro and received the Sigma Theta Tau Doctoral Student Award for Excellence. She is a North Carolina Great 100 Nurse and is certified in pain management nursing, advanced holistic nursing, and holistic stress management education. Dr. Quinlan-Colwell is a member of numerous professional organizations. She is current president of the Southern Pain Society and serves on the board of the American Society for Pain Management Nurses of which she is President-elect. Her research in pain has ranged from chronic back pain to safe pain management in children. She has authored book chapters; journal manuscripts and the Compact Clinical Guide to Geriatric Pain Management (Springer Publishing Co). Dr. Quinlan-Colwell has developed and presented numerous presentations and workshops related to pain nationally and internationally.
Sample of Prior Presentations:
Cardiovascular Stroke Grand Rounds, Post Stroke Pain Management, New Hanover Regional Medical Center: November 2018
ASPMN Conference, Can Compassion for Patients with Substance Use Disorder be Taught to Clinicians? September 2018
Series of CME presentations , Multi-Modal Analgesia Including Non-Pharmacologic Interventions, Eastern NC: 2017.
Press Ganey Annual Conference, An Innovative Approach to Support Patients with Comorbid Serious infections, Pain, and Substance Use Disorder: September 2017
Carillon Hospital, Perception of Pain – Moving Beyond the Numbers, Roanoke, VA.: Sept 2016.
Leading Age Conference, Holistic Assessment and Functional Aspects of Pain Management in Older Adults, Green Bay WI: September 2015
Geralyn Datz, PhD
Southern Behavioral Medicine Associates
1 Commerce Drive
Hattiesburg, MS 39402
Phone: (601) 255-1618
Email: drdatz@southernbmed.com
Presentation Topics:
- Pain Psychology
- Opioid Epidemic, Opioid Risk Assessments, CDC Opioid Guidelines
- Functional Restoration/Interdisciplinary Pain Rehabilitation
- Pre-surgical Psychological Screening
- Mental Health Treatment, Reimbursement for Mental Health
- Non-Pharmacological Pain Treatment
- Workers Compensation
- Professional Burnout
- Mediation and Mindfulness
Dr. Geralyn Datz is a licensed clinical health psychologist and a national educator of healthcare providers, attorneys and the public. Dr. Datz received her PhD in Clinical Psychology at SUNY Stony Brook in Long Island, New York. She completed her residency at the New Orleans VA Medical Center and specialized in Behavioral Medicine. She completed her Post Doctoral Fellowship in Behavioral Medicine at Louisiana State University, Pennington Biomedical Research Center. Dr Datz is licensed in Mississippi and Louisiana and has interjurisdictional practice licenses in 6 other states. Dr. Datz specializes in pain psychology, forensic assessments, and public speaking.
Dr. Datz is President and Clinical Director of Southern Behavioral Medicine Associates PLLC, in Hattiesburg, MS, a group specialty practice devoted to treating patients with chronic pain, as well as individuals with mental health diagnoses. This practice specializes in providing evidence based treatments, including cognitive behavioral therapy and assessments, to a wide range of patients including rural and metropolitan populations. Southern Behavioral Medicine also provides a 20 day outpatient rehabilitation program that teaches individuals with chronic pain how to take their lives back from the debilitating effects of chronic pain.
Dr. Datz is a sought-after speaker, accomplished writer and scientific presenter. She has authored a number of peer reviewed, scientific articles and book chapters in the areas of psychological approaches in treating chronic pain, cognitive behavioral therapy, and mitigating opioid risk. A complete list of her published articles are available via her CV.
Dr Datz has presented nationally and internationally in both scientific, legal, and industry conferences. Dr Datz is Past President of the Southern Pain Society, and currently serves on their Programming Committee and non-profit Scientific Board.
Dr Datz has been interviewed by Work Comp Central, PainWeek, Women’s Day, The Clarion Ledger, the National Pain Report, Pain.edu, QuantiaMD, Medscape, and Health24.com and other news venues. She has also participated in several national educational webinars to industry and insurance groups.
Sample of Prior Presentations:
Pain Management: Mind Body Connection. Keynote Presentation. 8th Annual Hospital Summit. Vizient Southeast. October 2018. Orlando, FL.
How Do We Collaborate with Insurers to Provide the Most Cost-Effective and Highest Evidence-Based Quality of Care? American Academy of Pain Medicine Annual Meeting Pre-Conference Program. April 2018. Vancouver, CA.
Shifting Chronic Pain Management: Understanding the Opioid Epidemic. Perrin Conferences. 1st Annual Opioid Litigation Conference. May 2018, Dallas TX.
Mental Health Aspects of Chronic Pain: Treatment in the 21st Century. International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions (IAIABC). Apr 2017, Kansas City, MO.
Darnall BD, Juurlink D, Kerns RD, Mackey S, et al. International Stakeholder Community of Pain Experts and Leaders Call for an Urgent Action on Forced Opioid Tapering. Pain Med. 2018 Nov 29.
Datz G, Colwell, A. (In Press). Cognitive Behavioral and Psychotherapeutic Interventions as a Component of Multimodal Analgesic Pain Management. (Chapter) In: Assessment and Multimodal Management of Pain, Ed. Colwell, A. Elevesier, 2018.