Hypnotically Enhanced Addictions Treatment

Joseph Tramontana, Ph.D. As a member of the Board of Directors of the Southern Pain Society, I want to share with the membership a recent workshop I presented to the Canadian Federation of Clinical Hypnosis in Banff, Canada.  The workshop was titled “Hypnotically...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Chronic Pain

James L. McAbee, Ph.D. Individuals living with chronic pain often present with myriad complaints and a decrease in quality of life driven, in many cases, by a lack of adaptive coping skills. Frequently, patients apply conventional wisdom, opting to reduce their...

The Homebound Adolescent Headache Patient

Larry Robbins, MD and Alison Alford, MD Introduction: Which Adolescents Should Be On Homebound? It is not uncommon for adolescents with severe headaches to be absent from school for long periods of time. Each child is unique, with multiple variables that include:...