Supporting the Southern Headache Society

Dear member of the Southern Pain Society:
The Southern Headache Society is excited about our collaboration with your group, as we plan a jointly-sponsored meeting in 2017 in New Orleans. Meanwhile, we would like to invite you to join us at our annual CME meeting this year, which will be held one week before your own Annual SPS meeting (if you can only attend one, of course you should attend SPS).

We have an outstanding meeting planned this year.

Peter Goadsby MD, the world’s leading researcher in migraine basic sciences, will be our keynote speaker. He is a brilliant lecturer.
There will be numerous talks of clinical interest to the general pain community, including talks on interventional therapies for headache, traumatic brain injury, psychiatric co-morbidities, and resilience. Saturday afternoon offers parallel workshops, one of which will be a practical demonstration of common injection techniques for headache.
Special Bonus: Pre-Meeting Symposium on Friday 9/23, by Dr. Andrew Newberg, author of “How God Changes Your Brain,” speaking on the topic of his most recently released book, “How Enlightenment Changes Your Brain.” This Pre-Meeting Symposium has a separate registration fee.
Take advantage of earlybird registration and register now.
Please book your hotel rooms early. We have a limited room block, and Asheville hotels are usually 100% occupied this time of year.
Hope to see many of you there, Morris Maizels, MD

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